There are many memories of older generation cutting neighborhood lawns to save up enough cash for their first car, a weekend date, or a special purchase. Back in the day, many teens earned a lot of cash caring for and maintaining the laws in their community. But today, lawn care and landscaping is considered to be one of the most dangerous jobs for teenaged workers.
Due to the advancement in lawn care machinery, tending to the landscape of a residential or commercial property can prove dangerous to a young, inexperienced worker. Many landscaping companies who need the seasonal help will not train young, temporary workers properly and then leave them alone to work unsupervised.
Maintaining lawns and landscaping may involve more than just mowing the grass. Many services require workers to unload materials so heavy lifting concerns are involved including muscle strains or even broken bones. There are also concerns of falling off of trucks while they are being unloaded as landscaping materials can be cumbersome as in the case with landscaping rocks and the like.
Summer jobs for teens can be scarce as many adults are still in need of full time work. As a result, many teens take on jobs that can put them in harm’s way and lead to injuries or fatalities as young and inexperienced workers.
If you are a teen or the parent of a teen who has been injured at a summer job, it is important to know your rights for workers compensation. Contact our experienced legal team toll free at 888-799-3918 or use our online contact form for more information.