Filing workers compensation benefits in New York State has been getting more and more complex thanks to the ever-changing rules and regulations. Because of the Board’s recent decision to refuse long-term care of chronic pain, many who are in genuine need of extended coverage may not get what they need.
The changing rules and regulations makes it almost a necessity that injured workers consult with a legal professional about their workers compensation case to ensure they understand and follow the changing rules. Injured workers suffering from chronic pain may not get the coverage they need and may have to file for a variance. It can be a complex road that is best taken with a legal professional by your side.
Being injured at work is disruptive enough. Losing time at work and the income you rely on makes it hard enough to make ends meet each month. With the added burden of having to cover the costs of medication and treatment that has been denied can make it virtually impossible to live.
Many feel that the Worker’s Compensation Board is trying to hurry workers into getting better too fast. Critics have said that injured workers who can not recover in three month’s time can forget about getting help. Since there are a wide range of on the job injuries that require long-term care, it can be difficult to focus on getting better while worried about keeping your job, especially with the economy the way it is.
It is in your best interest to get at least a free consultation about your worker’s compensation claim for an injury on the job. A legal guide can help you navigate the changing waters of the compensation rules in the state of New York. You can contact our office toll free at 855-614-4351 or use our confidential online form to learn more about the services we offer to protect your rights as an injured worker. We can help you with your initial claim as well as any subsequent denials being issued.