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One of the managerial rules most employers have strict requirements for involve the attendance of its employees. While most employers prefer you don’t show up for work when you are contagious and can jeopardize the entire workforce, the majority also will not likely tolerate constant call-offs by employees who are once again too sick to come to work.

Calling in sick is a time-honored joke amongst those who do not look forward to facing another day on the clock but it is hardly a joke when it comes to your job stability. Employers have rules about how much sick time someone can take with pay and anything above that time can potentially end a person’s career.

When you are too sick to come to work, it is in your best interest to have a doctor’s confirmation that you are indeed ill, especially if you miss three or more days. However, that time criteria can differ among companies. Without a medical confirmation, there is no accurate way for an employer to ensure legitimate excuses.

Again, coming to work with the flu or other illness you can pass along to others is not advisable. In some environments, sickness seems to go around and around leaving people frequently off the job. This is certainly not good for the business or the company’s payroll.

For frequently medical situations or for extended sick leave, there are steps you can take to ensure your job is safe. The Family Medical Leave Act is a federally-recognized option for those who need extended time off the job without the risk of losing their position. The FMLA was created to cover unpaid time off to tend to certain events including child-birth/newborn child care, adoption situations, health emergencies concerning employee’s spouse, child, or parent, and any other health-related family emergency. Employees are protected for a period of twelve workweeks or up to twenty-six work weeks if care involves military-related care giving.


If you have lost your job or suffered injuries related to mandatory reporting for work during an illness or injury, contact our office to discuss the options you have. You can reach out to us toll free at 866-205-2415 or through our online contact form. We’ll evaluate your case for free and see how we can help you deal with your situation.