There has been a lot more attention being paid to diseases of the colon. This is the part of the body more commonly known as the large intestine. It is a long tube positions at the end of the digestive tract. It is the storage place for the stool produced by human waste.
There are several medical issues that affect the colon. Polyps are a common issue where extra tissue grows in the colon region disrupting its proper function. In some cases, this extra tissue can become cancerous. Diverticulitis is another condition that affects the colon where infection or irritation is present in the pouches of the colon. Irritable bowel syndrome is another common colon-related issue. IBS causes issue with being able to pass stool and the patient tends to experience mild to severe episodes of cramping and digestive upset. Crohn’s disease is also related to the colon in that it causes the inflammation of the bowels and can affect other parts of the body as well.
Many of the colon diseases will affect bowel habits, making it difficult to go or causing one to have to go to the bathroom more often. Severe diarrhea and bleeding are two common symptoms of several conditions that need medical attention and diagnosis as soon as possible. Abdominal pain can also signal problems within the colon especially when accompanied by bloating. Those who are experiencing rapid, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, fevers and a change in bowel habits may want to schedule an appointment with their family doctor as soon as possible.
In many cases, the treatment for colon-related conditions will require a change of diet. Patients will be encouraged to drink adequate amounts of water to flush out their system regularly. Dietary changes may necessitate the limitations of dairy products and fatty foods. For more serious conditions, prescription medication may be necessary and surgery may also become part of the treatment program. Colon-related cancer may require chemotherapy and radiation treatments based on the oncologist’s recommendations.