Anyone that works or is active in the hot sun is susceptible to heatstroke or sunstroke. Heat stroke occurs when the body becomes dehydrated due to excessive sweating and not taking in enough fluids during activities. In combination with the dehydration, the body can overheat due to excessive activity in the hot climate. Heatstroke can also be triggered by drinking too much alcohol which prohibits the body from responding to increasing temperatures.


There are no age or gender limits when it comes to heatstroke. The old and the young are equally susceptible to suffering in the high temperatures. However, those who are elderly or very young may be more sensitive to the heat and sun. There are some sufferers who have become extra sensitive to the sun’s heat due to medication they are taking on a regular basis. People who have issues with their immune system may also be predisposed to not tolerating the heat effectively.


Symptoms of heatstroke include a rapid heartbeat, flushed skin, headaches, and not sweating despite being hot. Progression of heatstroke symptoms includes cramps in the muscles, fatigue and lethargy, trouble speaking, confusion, and exhibiting strange behavior. If those suffering from heatstroke do not receive attention promptly, one can go into a fit of seizures and even fall into a coma. Without proper fluids and medical care, the brain and other organs can shut down and lead to fatalities.


Heatstroke can occur at any time so it is important for those planning to work or be active in the outdoors under the hot sun need to be prepared. Drink plenty of fluids, rest during activities, and have a place to cool off to avoid problems with heatstroke. Limit activities during the hottest part of the day and seek a cool place away from the sun to relax if you start to feel sick or overheated.