Common Types of Injuries In New York

New York Lawyers Fighting For Injured Workers

Employees can receive workers’ compensation for a variety of different types of injuries. In fact, your injury does not have to be caused only by a physical accident for you to obtain workers’ compensation. Conditions or illnesses that are sustained over a long period of time can also be covered by workers’ compensation. The Disability Guys are dedicated to representing the rights of injured workers in New York. Since 1933 we have been helping injured workers in New York to obtain the workers’ compensation that they deserve.

We represent workers in every profession suffering from any type of work-related injury.

That being said, some of the most common types of workplace injuries that we handle include:

Common Injuries Eligible For Workers Compensation & Social Security Disability

Knee Injuries & Knee Pain

Knee injuries are among the most common injuries suffered in the workplace. This is especially true for jobs that involve manual labor. Falls, heavy lifting, or simply banging your knee on a hard object are all typical scenarios in which workers can suffer a knee injury.

Additionally, normal work can lead to knee pain over a long period of time.

Whether you damaged a tendon, ligament or bone, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation or social security disability.

Back & Spinal Cord Injuries

A back injury is one of the most common types of work-related injuries. This is especially true in certain industries such as construction, oil extraction, service and other professions that require lots of manual labor or work with heavy equipment. However, these injuries can occur in any type of workplace.

A back injury can vary in severity from a minor strain to permanent spine injuries. If you have suffered a back injury in the course of work you may be entitled to workers’ compensation.

To learn more about these injuries click here.

Bone Fractures & Muscle Strains

Bone, muscle and joint injuries are often very serious and can take a long time to recover from. In addition to the pain and time away from work, these injuries often require costly medical expenses.

Some of the most common types of injuries that our New York workers’ compensation lawyers handle include:

Read more about broken bone and muscle strain injuries here.

Loss of Limb / Amputation

A loss of a limb can have a lasting impact on one’s ability to work and can also affect one’s quality of life. These types of injuries are typically sustained in jobs where heavy machinery is used. One of the most common types of accidents leading to loss of a limb is when a worker’s arm or leg becomes caught in between two heavy objects.

While these accidents can occur in any industry, construction workers and industrial workers are often victims of these accidents.

In addition to the excruciating pain, these injuries can result in expensive medical bills and can have a serious impact on one’s ability to perform work.

To learn more about these injuries and eligibility for benefits click here.

Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder injuries can occur during a single incident or can develop over a long period of time.

A few types of shoulder injuries that workers often sustain include dislocations, tendonitis, fractures, shoulder bursitis and rotator cuff injuries.

If you suffered an acute shoulder injury at work or are experiencing shoulder pain you should seek medical attention before the injury becomes worse.

To learn more about shoulder injuries in the workplace and eligibility for workers’ compensation, visit our shoulder injury page.

Eye Injuries

Eye injuries are a common occurrence on the job. According to statistics from the CDC, more than 800,000 workers sustain eye injuries at work in the United States each year. Eye injuries can be caused by many different factors. Construction workers, electricians and similar types of workers commonly report eye injuries from projected objects or particles such as wood, glass and other types of material.

However, office workers can also sustain eye injuries from extended hours working at a computer screen.

Employees who suffer an eye injury on the job have a right to workers’ compensation, regardless of what caused their injury.

Burns, Scars & Disfigurement

Injuries that lead to scarring or disfigurement can be extremely traumatizing for individuals. Burn injuries from fires or explosion commonly lead to permanent scarring and disfigurement, however, many other types of work-related accidents can lead to these injuries as well.

If you have suffered scarring or disfigurement from a work-related accident you may be entitled to workers’ compensation under New York law.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome, also known as median nerve compression, is a condition defined by numbness, tingling and weakness in the hand due to a pinched nerve on the underside of the wrist.

Carpal tunnel is commonly caused by constant work on a computer such as typing or data-entry, however, it can also be caused by other types of repetitive hand and wrist motions too. Learn more on this page.

Head Injuries

Head injuries can range in severity from minor bruises or abrasions to traumatic brain injury. Many head injuries are caused by fallin objects and therefore are more common in certain workplace environments which involve elevated working conditions such as carpentry, construction, warehouse work and factory work. However, these injuries can be caused in any type of work environment. For example, many workers suffer from head injuries after a slip and fall accident.

If you have suffered a head injury you should seek immediate medical attention and then call Markhoff & Mittman to discuss your circumstances.

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is one of the most common types of injuries in workplaces that involve the use of powerful and loud machinery. Many people believe that hearing loss is caused by one specific incident, however, exposure to loud noise over the years is the most common cause of hearing loss.

Many workers attribute their hearing loss to older age, however, it is very possible that your hearing loss was caused by your working environment.

Heart Attack & Strokes

A heart attack or stroke can be caused by a variety of different factors. Many insurance companies argue will argue that a heart attack or stroke was not caused by work-related factors. However, one of the most common causes of a heart attack is work-related stress.

If you or loved one suffered a heart attack or stroke while at work it is possible that job pressures such as performance expectations, workload and other stress factors could have induced the incident.

Neck Injuries

Neck injuries are often caused by heavy lifting, falling objects and other workplace hazards. However, these injuries can also be caused by other types of accidents. For example, if you are driving for your job and are involved in a car crash that causes a neck injury, you may have the right to workers’ compensation.

Nerve and Tendon Injuries

Nerve and tendon injuries can have a long term effect on one’s ability to perform work and enjoy daily activities. In addition to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, workers can suffer other serious nerve injuries including pinched nerves, tendonitis, and torn tendons.

Many of these injuries are caused by repetitive motion in the workplace and can happen in all types of work environments.

Paralysis, Paraplegia and Quadriplegia

Paralyzing injuries are very serious. Any type of injury that limits one’s mobility does not just impact future work, but can have a lasting impact on one’s quality of life. If a workplace accident has caused you to suffer a paralyzing injury, you have should contact Markhoff & Mittman today to discuss your right to workers’ compensation.

Repetitive Trauma Injuries

Repetitive trauma injuries can range in severity. From muscle strains to hearing loss, any workplace that exposes a worker to repetitive motions or harmful conditions can result in an injury.

Many people do not think to do anything about these injuries because they consider it “part of the job”. However, these are real injuries that can have serious consequences if untreated.

Weather-Related Injuries

Many workers are expected to perform their duties regardless of the weather, be it extremely hot or cold. Without proper precautions, safety geat, and regular breaks, extreme weather conditions can result in serious health issues.

Mental Health Issues

Many people believe that work injuries must be physical in their nature to recover workers’  compensation. However, that is not always the case. Workers can also suffer mental and emotional trauma on the job. Work-related stress often causes mental health problems for workers than can limit the ability to work.

Common Work-Related Illnesses

Although workplace accidents are a common reason for obtaining workers’ compensation benefits, illnesses and medical conditions that develop because of exposures on the job can also entitle an injured worker to these benefits. There are numerous kinds of occupational diseases an employee can suffer, with some more common than others.

Skin Diseases: Causes and Prevention

Hazardous agents that can be absorbed through the skin may lead to an occupational disease:

A wide variety of workers are considered to be at risk for developing a skin disease:

Roofers and construction workers, meanwhile, may be exposed to radiation from the sun. Healthcare workers may be exposed to radiation from medical equipment, not to mention their potential exposure to hazardous substances.

Examples of preventative measures that workers can take:

For instance, the use of irritants (such as heavy metals, solvents and synthetic oils) increases exposure, so workers should be aware they must take precautions when handling these substances. It’s also important to pay attention to open wounds on the skin, making someone susceptible to injury and infection.

Respiratory Diseases: Causes and Prevention

Asthma is a fairly common respiratory disease that can originate in the workplace. Certain workplace exposures could aggravate symptoms in someone who has asthma, while in some cases exposures may lead to development of the condition. Some workers may be susceptible to certain lung diseases including cancer. These types of diseases can be caused by exposure to harmful environments or even substances, such as in a factory.

Controlling dust, allergens, particles and other types of hazards can reduce or potentially eliminate respiratory problems. Avoiding certain chemicals or limiting exposure can also help, along with using protective equipment (such as a ventilator or ventilation equipment).

Hearing Loss: Causes and Prevention

Hearing loss is another type of occupational condition that can be very damaging. These injuries usually stem from noisy environments, such as those with high decibels or prolonged exposure. For some, it leads to permanent hearing impairment.

Manufacturing is a common industry in which this occurs workers are around noisy equipment every day. Certain construction workers may be susceptible if they use noisy equipment on a regular basis.

Work procedures that limit or reduce exposure to noise is one way to prevent hearing loss. Other examples include wearing protective equipment (i.e. earplugs) and automating equipment so the environment is quieter.

Workers’ Compensation for Occupational Disease

On-the-job accidents that lead to injury are generally easier to prove than illnesses when seeking workers’ compensation benefits. Workers may face various challenges when proving illnesses and other medical conditions are related to a work environment. Exposure-based and cumulative trauma cases can be more difficult to prove are work-related, but hiring an attorney can help seriously injured workers establish their case.

The worker must demonstrate that the line of work, environment, exposure or other elements are the source of the disease. Or they must establish that the condition was made worse because of the job. Proving either one can be complicated, especially if the disease is disabling and the employee is no longer able to work or has to be given specific accommodations.

Workers who do establish their eligibility to benefits may recover medical benefits as well as cash benefits. If the disease is debilitating and it’s expected to end in death or last for at least 12 consecutive months, there may be other options to recover benefits, like applying for Social Security disability.

To learn more about your rights if a disease is related to your occupation, seek legal counsel. A work injury attorney will evaluate the circumstances of the job, medical records and other relevant information to determine your options and help you establish your entitlement to benefits.

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You May Need To See A Specialist For Your Injury Or Illness

There are many doctors that decide to focus on one area of the body. The following are a few of the specialists that injured and ill workers may need to visit for treatment:


A hepatologist is a medical doctor that deals with conditions and diseases of the liver. Typically, your primary care physician will be the first to recognize liver problems through blood tests or other diagnosis. If your physician suspects a liver condition, they will likely refer you to a hepatologist.

Your first visit with the liver specialist will include a review of your past and current medical history. It will be important to bring a list of prescription medications you are currently taking as well as the dosage. You should also bring any relevant medical records you have in your possession so the specialist will have the information in your medical file.

Most patients will be required to have blood work done on the first visit. A general physical exam may also be completed. In many cases where liver conditions are suspected, the patient will need an evaluation of their digestive system which may include an upper endoscopy and a colonoscopy.

These tests may be done on subsequent visits. Some doctors will perform these tests directly in their office or you may be referred to a local hospital to have the tests completed. Depending on the results of your initial blood tests, your specialist will bring you back for an additional appointment to discuss the situation and the next course of treatment.

For your first visit to the hepatologist, it is recommended you dress comfortably and have a good breakfast or lunch prior to having blood work completed. Bring any notes or written questions you have about your suspected condition so you will not forget to ask the specialist during your appointment.

Infectious Disease Specialist

Infectious diseases can be contracted through open wounds, inhaling airborne germs, eating/drinking contaminated foods, bites from ticks or mosquitos, or through sexual contact. Infectious diseases and infections may require a special type of intervention outside of your regular physician. You’ll need to make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist and bring your referral slip to the appointment unless your physician makes prior arrangements.

Before your appointment, you will need to make a list of your symptoms and of any medications you are taking. You may even want to bring in the prescription bottles which will describe the dosage you take daily. If your doctor has provided you with any medical records, bring them to the appointment also or check with your doctor’s office to be sure they were transferred.

At the specialist’s office, you will need to fill out medical history paperwork. Try to provide as much detail as you can about your current condition as well as the medical history of your immediate family. This may be important to your diagnosis. The specialist will likely perform a physical exam while going over your medical history. The specialist may also request blood testing, a mouth swab, or a urine test. You’ll need to be able to provide the doctor with information about your history of being around another sick person, if you’ve been bitten by an animal or insect, if you have eaten meat not cooked properly or vegetables/fruit not properly washed. You’ll also be asked about your recent travels.

Infectious diseases can be contracted multiple ways so the more information you can provide, the more accurate the diagnosis and testing can be. Treatment will be dependent upon your condition but may involve prescription medication treatment such as antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, and anti-parasitic drugs. Follow up appointments will likely be necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the drugs. You may be required to stay away from others during your recovery so as not to spread the condition. The specialist will work with your doctor on a treatment plan until your condition has been resolved.


There are thousands of people in the United States that suffer from allergies and every year it seems the number of sufferers is increasing. In addition to allergies, asthma and other immune system medical conditions can inhibit a person’s ability to function normally and may even put some out of work permanently when conditions become too bad.

If you have been affected by allergies, asthma or other immune system health conditions, you may need to be referred to an immunologist. This is a specialist trained in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions relating to the immune system. These specialists are often able to diagnose and treat conditions many people didn’t even realize they had, allowing them to feel much better and remain symptom-free.

Your visit to the immunologist does not have to be a frightening one. During your first appointment, the doctor will speak with you directly about your medical history, past and present. They will also conduct a physical exam. Depending on your symptoms and medical history, you may also need to undergo specific tests to diagnose allergies or breathing test to gauge lung function.

Once the neurologist is able to determine the root of the problem based on history and current test results, a specialized plan will be developed in order to address your needs. Problems in the immune system that are left untreated can become much more serious in nature and have been known to lead to death in some patients that ignored treatment guidelines. Allergies and immune system conditions can quickly grow out of control, ending in hospitalization or death.


A urologist is a specialist medical provider that diagnoses, treats, and monitors medical conditions affecting the urinary tract and the external genital organs. Conditions that affect your kidneys, bladder, prostate, and urethra will often be referred for treatment to a urologist. Some of the common ailments and conditions treated by a urologist include kidney stones, an enlarged prostate, infertility, cancer, incontinence, and urinary tract infections.

Scheduling your first appointment with a urologist can be a bit intimidating due to the nature of your injury or illness. If your primary doctor refers you to a urologist, it is important however to schedule an appointment and stick with it. When you arrive at your first appointment, you will be required to fill out new patient paperwork that discusses your medical history as well as your present symptoms. Upon first meeting with the urologist, you will further need to explain your present medical condition including symptoms and their frequency. Be sure to bring a list of any medications you are presently taking including the dosage so your doctor will be familiar with your full medical condition.

Depending on your condition, you may be asked to undergo one or more tests in the office including a urine analysis, a digital rectal exam, a prostate exam, a cystourethroscopy which measures the amount of pressure and storage capabilities of your bladder, or an ultrasound.  Additional tests may need to be conducted at a later appointment pending the results of the first tests.

You may be prescribed medication for pain or to treat your existing condition and it is important to follow through with the urologist’s recommendations.


Workers’ Comp & Disability Benefits Lawyers Helping Injured New Yorkers

Under New York law, workers who become injured as a result of their job are entitled to workers’ compensation to cover medical expenses and other costs associated with their injury, regardless of what caused the injury.

Depending on your injuries, you may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits as well.

However, many injured workers in New York do not receive the benefits that they need because they are either unaware of their rights or have trouble with the complicated process of filing for a workers comp or disability benefits claim.

At Markhoff & Mittman, P.C. our lawyers are experienced in workers’ compensation law and are dedicated to helping injured workers obtain the compensation that they are owed.

Contact us today by calling (866) 205-2415 for a free consultation to discuss your options.

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