Offshore Injury Attorneys Fight For Maritime Workers Rights

Workers in any area with navigable water face dangerous conditions every day. It is the responsibility of the maritime companies who employ them to protect their employees from the risks. However, they frequently fail.

Offshore Injury Attorney Firm

Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) or Jones Act claims can be quickly submitted, but getting compensation at the maximum potential is far more challenging.

A maritime accident attorney with a proven track record, such as those at Markhoff & Mittman, P.C., can help victims rest assured their claims are being handled promptly and effectively. Contact us now for a free consultation and learn more about your avenues for compensation.

What’s An Offshore Injury Lawyer?

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, offshore injury lawyers represent maritime workers in the event of a workplace accident or injury. It’s these lawyers’ job to ensure that injured parties are treated fairly by the company that employs them; more specifically, the attorney devotes their expertise and time to adequately compensate victims and their loved ones for damages they suffer.

Maritime accident attorneys can help injury victims and their families by working directly with the employer (or their insurance provider) to present a case for compensation. The legal professional is able to identify and avoid common errors in the claims filing process which usually results in resolving the case as quickly as possible.

If a maritime accident left you with personal injuries, you want an experienced maritime lawyer representing you as they can help you preserve your rights while still getting the compensation you deserve.

When To Contact A Maritime Accident Attorney?

In spite of no law requiring maritime accident victims to contact an attorney, it is quite often highly recommended that they consult a lawyer before intending to proceed without legal representation.

A maritime insurance company generally pays out injury claims related to maritime accidents, similar to the insurance company responsible for fixing a car after it crashes on the highway. As with automobile insurance companies, maritime insurance companies use a variety of strategies to reduce the amount of compensation they are required to pay out on any given claim. Although these strategies can help the company save money, they are detrimental to the injured persons and their families.

Tragically, many Jones Act and LHWCA victims do not receive enough compensation to be able to recover from physical disability, let alone pay for all the medical expenses incurred or lost income as a result of an offshore accident injury.

How An Offshore Injury Lawyer Can Help

In the event of a maritime accident, or injury, victims have the right to hire a legal team to help them take care of their claim. A maritime law firm will handle the entire process on your behalf. For example:

  1. Will ensure that you do not miss any deadlines and will know what information you need to provide and which documents you need to complete.
  2. Will guarantee that you are well-informed of your rights and your eligibility for compensation, as well as how to present the best case possible.
  3. During the negotiation process, your lawyer will seek to obtain a fair settlement from the insurance company. If you are not satisfied with what they offer, your lawyer will insist and argue for a bigger payout.
  4. Consider the case where you are eligible for compensation outside of a maritime workers’ compensation claim, such as through a personal injury or wrongful death suit. Your attorney will inform you and manage all legal matters.

Maritime Accident Compensation Claims

Depending on the type of job they do, maritime workers may qualify for a number of different avenues for compensation. Most notably, these are the Jones Act and Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) claims processes.

The claim process for each differs in its criteria and length, but both ultimately have the same purpose: to get injured maritime workers the compensation they deserve. This is a major reason why it’s so important to enlist the help of a maritime injury lawyer when pursuing either of these legal claims.

The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA)

The term “LHWCA” refers to the specific legal law that governs maritime workers. It’s a program that offers financial compensation for those who suffer severe injuries or deaths due to workplace accidents. More specifically, it protects the following professions:

The Jones Act

As a result of the Jones Act, injured seamen can seek compensation from their employers or insurance coverage paid by their employers for injuries they have sustained on the job.

An injury or death must be caused by negligence in order for a claim under the Jones Act to proceed. Additionally, the Jones Act allows seamen to file a lawsuit directly against their employer if their injuries or death were caused by an unsafe vessel.

The personal injury lawyer experienced in offshore injury claims at The Disability Guys can provide you with more information regarding which types of compensation and which Acts protect your rights in the event of a maritime accident.

Common Maritime Injuries Causes

A worker at sea is regularly exposed to a great many risks. For instance, frequently, they are required to work long hours in harsh weather conditions, which can lead to injury and even death.

It is also possible for maritime workers to suffer severe physical injuries or death in accidents involving heavy machinery, slippery decks, sharp objects, and other tools of the trade. The Captain of a vessel or another crew member may even intentionally cause maritime accidents in some cases.

Finally, consider these other possible causes of maritime accidents:

Who Is Eligible For Offshore Injury Compensation?

Would you like an independent assessment as to whether you qualify for compensation as an injured maritime worker? Contact our accident and personal injury law firm for a free initial consultation. You’ve got nothing to lose and, if you chose to retain our services, you would not owe any legal fees unless we are successful in obtaining compensation on your behalf.

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