Learn What You Can About a Specialist

When you have a medical condition that requires the attention of a specialist, you will likely be referred to someone by your primary care physician. Just because you get the referral doesn’t mean you will connect well with the specialist. You may need to do additional research to ensure you find a specialist you are happy with and feel confident in.


There are over 60 specialties in medicine in which doctors can practice. You want to be sure the specialist you see is experienced in the medical problems and treatments you need. Because some medical conditions can be complex and trigger other health concerns, you want to ensure the specialist you see can handle all of your concerns in conjunction with your regular doctor. There are a number of conditions that will require surgery so you’ll need to address surgical concerns with your specialist if that is the recommended treatment.


If you are using your own health insurance, you’ll also need to make sure the specialist you choose will be covered by your insurance plan. While in workers compensation surgery will follow different rules, if you are treating a chronic medical condition on your own, insurance coverage will be an important factor.


Do your own research about your referred specialist and don’t be afraid to ask trusted friends and family members for a referral. You should feel comfortable and confident in the doctor treating you for medical concerns and health conditions. Otherwise your medical situation can be aggravated by stress. You will need to focus your energies on recovering and healing from medical conditions that are affecting your daily life.


If you have a medical condition that leaves you unable to work or perform your normal activities, you may need to file for Social Security disability. Our experienced legal team can provide you with the guidance necessary to seek the right medical help and file the necessary paperwork correctly the first time to prevent denial of your claim.


Contact our office toll free at 888-799-3918 or use our online contact form for more information about Social Security benefits claims.



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