New York Workers’ Comp & Social Security Disability For Spinal Cord Injury

Workplace Spinal Cord InjurySpinal cord injuries can be the result of many different types of work-related accidents and can range in severity from a minor bruising to total disability.

Unfortunately, many of these accidents result in time away from work and can even impact one’s ability to perform future work or simply enjoy life.

If you or a loved one have suffered a spinal injury on the job, you are likely facing expensive medical bills and may be worrying about future earnings.

Fortunately, New York Workers’ Compensation provides financial support for workers who suffer a spinal injury in the workplace.

Additionally, workers who suffer a spinal injury are sometimes entitled to Social Security disability benefits, depending on the circumstances.

What Is The Best Medical Evidence For A Back Injury?

Spinal Cord Injuries On The Job

Workers’ Compensation law in New York requires all employers to provide workers’ compensation benefits to employees. Additionally, workers’ compensation law states that all workers who become injured on the job are entitled to receive compensation.

What Medical Benefits Are Available To Treat My Spinal Cord Injury?

The cost to treat a spinal cord injury is considerable, and varies depending on severity of the injury and the age of the victim. The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation estimates that the average cost to treat a patient can range anywhere from $334,170 to more than $1 million in the first year of injury.

Your necessary medical care will be covered if you qualify for New York workers’ compensation. This includes all services directly linked to your work-related spinal cord injury. To receive benefits you must seek help from a Workers’ Compensation Board-approved physician.

You may have to submit to certain diagnostic tools to confirm the existence and severity of your spinal cord injury in order to qualify for benefits.

These tools may include:

Your employer may have the option to direct your care through a New York State Health Department-certified Preferred Provider Organization (PPO). In these cases, you may select an authorized provider outside of the PPO after 30 days of treatment.

What Other Benefits Are Available After Work-Related Injury?

Cash benefits for lost wages and medical benefits are the primary means of compensation. Other benefits include:

Why Hire A New York Workers’ Comp Lawyer?

Workers who suffer a work-related spinal cord injury are entitled to workers’ compensation under New York State law. However, obtaining these benefits can be quite difficult and initial applications are often denied for a variety of reasons.

Fortunately, a qualified New York Workers’ Comp lawyer can work with you to improve your chances of obtaining any benefits that you may be owed.

In fact, studies show that hiring a Workers’ Compensation lawyer increases ones chances of winning their claim.

Contact The Disability Guys Today

If you’ve suffered a spinal cord injury or any other type of injury on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation.

The Disability Guys have been helping injured workers in New York for decades and have the experience to help you maximize your chances of winning your claim.

You may schedule a free consultation with us to learn more about your own case and potential compensation.

Contact our offices to learn more –  or (866) 205-2415.

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