Sleep Deprivation Can Lead to Lost Work Hours

When the human body does not get the adequate amount of rest and sleep, it will certainly fail to function as properly and efficiently as possible. As a result of sleep deprivation, humans are susceptible to increased illness, an inability to concentrate, and the lack of ability to tend to work matters adequately. This can lead to accidents which cause harm or even death to fellow co-workers.

Not getting enough sleep is dangerous but not getting enough proper sleep is just as important. There are many reasons why sleep will not come for some and insomnia must be battled. These reasons may be directly or indirectly related to other medical issues, stress, sickness, medications, age, or distractions.

On average, adults should be averaging 7-8 hours of sleep each and every night. Missing out on essential hours can lead to health problems. Younger humans require even more sleep, as much as 16-17 hours for infants. Around the late teens, a person will likely establish their normal sleep habits for life. As a working adult, the proper hours of sleep becomes important on a day to day basis in order to remain healthy and be an effective employee.

What Can Be Done

For those who find they are unable to get to sleep or remain asleep for an adequate amount of time, it is first recommended that a full health exam be conducted by a licensed medical provider to determine possible medical causes for the insomnia. Medications and daily routines should also be explored. In many cases, a medical intervention may be necessary to get a sleep schedule back on track.

For occasional sleep disturbances, experts recommend several things including;


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