Holiday Excess Can Make Returning to Work Dangerous

If you have spent your holiday vacation from work indulging in a lot of holiday treats and consuming large quantities of alcohol, returning to work may not be as easy as you’d hoped. There tends to be a lot of excess during the holidays. Partying too much, not sleeping enough, and eating poorly can trigger some health conditions that can make it hard to get the job done. Fatigue, muscle strains, and human errors are just some of the problems that can result from holiday fun when returning to the job.  Getting back into good physical and mental shape may not be the first thing on your mind but it should become a priority.

Lack of sleep can be the root of a lot of problems. Getting enough rest at night and returning to your routines as soon as possible can help reduce the fatigue you experience getting back into the work groove. Abstain from alcohol and caffeine in the evenings so falling asleep is not difficult.  It will also be important to return to a nutritious, well-balanced diet. After all of the cookies, cakes, and pies you’ve ingested, you can suffer from constipation and other gastric issues that make working difficult and uncomfortable.

After spending a lot of time off your normal schedule, it can also help to get reorganized at home to make sure you are not stressed out returning to your job. Even if the kids are not yet back in school, take the time to get your home in order, make sure your work clothes are ready for the day, and you know where your keys are. The stress of going back to work can be difficult after a holiday break but the more prepared you are, the more relaxed you can be.


If you have been hurt on the job due to someone else’s negligence, contact our office today to discuss your eligibility for workers compensation benefits. You can reach us toll free at 888-799-3918 or through our online contact form.

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