Getting a Divorce Requires Attention to Detail

As a divorcee, you have the right to collect Social Security benefits from an ex-spouse provided you have been married for 10 years or more. This resource for collecting Social Security income from an ex is often overlooked to the detriment of many. But it is critical that those who are going through the process of divorce pay attention to the details of a divorce settlement.

Our firm has helped many people get Social Security benefits even when they have been denied. However, one particular story is always easy to remember that we heard from another attorney outside our practice.  It involved a woman who sought a divorce from her husband and finalized the divorce settlement papers before realizing that the divorce was made final just a few days shy of celebrating their ten-year anniversary. As a result, the wife was not eligible to receive her ex-husband’s Social Security benefits. Unfortunately, the attorney on the job should have paid close attention to such details.

Divorce proceedings can be complicated but a few days and a few details can make a big difference to your future. For those who have reached the full age of retirement, the maximum benefits paid out can make a big difference in your Golden years. By not paying close attention to such details or even not knowing you are eligible for such benefits, you can struggle during retirement or may find yourself working longer than you planned after a divorce.

Social security benefits can make a difference. You should make certain that if you are planning a divorce from a spouse you have a qualified legal representative to ensure all i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed. If you need help with Social Security benefits within a divorce or after one, it is important to have legal advice especially if you are disabled.


Contact our office to discuss your Social Security concerns at 866-205-2415 or use our confidential online contact form to get help.

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