Blood Disorders Can be Debilitating

There are so many disorders and diseases of the blood that medicine has a whole specialized field of work related to it called hematology.  Many people with blood disorders or diseases live their daily lives with little or no affects from the disorder.
People with thalasemia minor or thalasemia trait, carry a gene for this Mediterranean blood disorder that is a form of anemia.  Unless the trait is tested for, the individual with this disease probably has no visible symptoms and leads a normal life.  Someone with anemia might feel sluggish or tired but can be easily treated with iron supplements and a change in diet.  Regular physicians can work with patients to easily monitor and manage these conditions.
However, some blood disorders, like leukemia or HIV/AIDS, are life changing illnesses.  A person suffering from one of these disorders would most likely be under the care of a hematologist.  The medical treatments like viral protocol medications or radiation and chemotherapy can be extremely expensive.
The side effects and illness related to these disorders and medications are most often unpleasant and often leave the patient debilitated.  People suffering from one of these types of blood borne illnesses are often left unable to work and facing financial strain.

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