Are You Aware of Hazards in Your Workplace?

Different industries and work environments pose different hazards to those employed in their field of choice. While construction work is often considered one of the most dangerous  jobs to be in, the reality is that any job can pose a threat to one’s safety and health.


No matter what industry you work in you should be aware of the on the job risks. Additionally, all employers should be proactive in alerting workers to potential hazards on the job and how to avoid them and protect oneself from being injured. For instance, young workers taking a job at the local fast food restaurant need to understand the risks associated with working in a busy kitchen. Spilled grease on the floor can lead to a serious accident. Employees need to be aware of the risks and the protocol for preventing disasters such as cleaning up spills to ensure the floor is no longer slippery.


Regardless of what job you are in, it is important to take heed of the safety trainings and other protocol issued by employers. If your employer is lax in safety standards or providing appropriate safety gear and equipment, you have a right as a worker to refuse to do the job until matters are resolved where safety is concerned. All too often workers become complacent with safety and employers do not enforce safety trainings and guidelines enough. This in turn leads to on the job injuries that can range from minor to severe. In some cases, a minor accident can even result in a fatality, such as a slip and fall from heights.


If you have already suffered an on the job injury, it is also important that you know what to do to protect your rights as an injured worker. Consult with our legal team about your workers compensation claim to ensure you get the medical benefits and treatment you deserve as you recover. Call us toll free at 888-799-3918 or use our online contact form for additional information.


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