Workplace Safety Needs Updating for High Risk Jobs

Workplace safety is a necessity in all jobs but with the constant risk police officers face each day, the specialized training is even more critical. Employees of other industries need to constantly promote workplace health and safety initiative much like the Police Department does, with upgraded safety training and employee protection programs. But it is a team effort to ensure the wellbeing of all on the job.

In a recent news story, two New York Police Officers were shot at close range by suspects involved in a crime. While both officers are on the road to recovery and have been recently promoted to rank of detective, the shootings certainly have changed their perspective of going to work everyday.

Unfortunately, in many job situations the health and safety of workers often gets placed on the backburner by both staff and management until something does go wrong. Only then will safety protocols be updated and training increased. For the workers involved in the incident, it may already be too late.

Workplace accidents, even minor ones, can result in extended time off for workers who must collect worker’s compensation benefits. More serious cases may result in the long-term disability or permanent disability of the worker who may have to end the working life too early.

Workplace safety requirements and protocol should be clear to all workers and management to ensure the safety of others. While police officers face risks many other workers do not, any incident or accident can be life-changing and financially disastrous to those involved.

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