Senior Workers Require Special Safety Precautions During Summer Heat

Many senior workers have gone back to the workforce in order to keep up with cost of living increases. As a result, some workers are doing outdoor work, especially in the summertime when temperatures can rise quickly and humidity can make it hard to get through a day easily.


Those working with and around senior workers should pay special attention to their co-workers as heat affects older people at a faster rate in many cases. For workers who are not able to be in air-conditioned, cooler environments it is important they are able to take breaks and have access to plenty of cool water so as not to dehydrate or overheat.


Co-workers should also receive the proper training to identify signs of dehydration and heat stroke which may become serious fast and often requires hospitalization. They should know the signs of the various heat-related issues so management can be alerted fast as possible.


Senior workers also need to take precautions and be willing to report feelings of fatigue, nausea, and dizziness associated with heat. Any worker who packs their own lunch should ensure they use properly insulated cooler bags to keep food fresh. Food poisoning can occur on the job when lunch bags are left sitting in the sun and food spoils. This can be hazardous to senior workers who may be more affected by the consequences of food poisoning especially if they have other medical conditions.


If you are a senior worker who suffered an injury on the job related to high temperatures and poor protection, contact our office toll free at 888-799-3918 or use our online contact form for more information.

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