The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released some new information that should be of concern to New York workers. Statistics show trends in rising amounts of workplace fatalities. While the last two decades have shown declining numbers, this new information is shining a spotlight in another direction.
New York has been working harder to promote safety among workers. New York has enacted Safe Place to Work laws before the US federal government had developed OSHA. But despite its long history of proactive measures, workers dying on the job are increasing and it is evident that more work needs to be done.
Two of the most common workplace fatalities stem from workplace violence and workplace falls. Both situations have resulted in more deaths on the job than other types of accidents. Concerning the workplace falls, half of the incidents occurred in the construction industry.
Experts have difficulties pointing to the exact cause of the safety issues on the job. Some believe the issues with the economy may be one of the reasons for more violence at work. Others feel that safety is compromised when cuts to staff numbers are made with more workers having to pull more weight.
The statistics for now are showing a need for more diligence about protecting the health and safety of workers by employers. Employers already must follow the standards set up under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 but more must be done to ensure work environments pose less of a danger to workers and training must be stepped up to prevent employee mistakes that can lead to death.