Preventing Human Mistakes Still Key in Safer Construction Work

Our legal team is well aware of the dangers and consequences of a construction job gone wrong. Not only do we interact with the injured construction workers regular, we also have to face the headlines when another fatal construction accident occurs.
It does appear recent changes in the safety requirements for New York construction sites are having a positive effect on the industry. Education and prevention techniques are helping workers keep construction sites safer than in the past. This is obviously good news for all involved as it truly is a team effort to keep New York Construction sites safe.
It is interesting the decision to ban smoking on construction sites has been thrown into the mix but it appears it is just another layer of safety being added to the sites. Non-smokers will benefit from not being exposed to the second-hand smoke concerns and smokers may even be forced to cut down on how much they smoke throughout a work day.
In order for the continued safety measures to be effective, everyone in the industry will need to be taught their responsibilities and its importance related to safety in the workplace. A good morale on the construction site will be necessary to keep workers watching out for their peers. Management will need to be sure they are not cutting corners when it comes to safety standards and where it concerns the workers’ satisfaction with their jobs.
Construction accidents often occur due to human errors. If you have been injured in a construction site accident, speak to our legal team about a workers compensation claim to help you recover from your injuries. You can contact us toll free at 888-799-3918 or use our online contact form for more information.

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