Discovering Michigan Corners, NY

The social security disability lawyers in Michigan Corners, NY, at Markhoff & Mittman, P.C. invite you to discover the local history and community amenities.

Michigan Corners

The hamlet of Michigan Corners is situated within Middletown and near Scotchtown within Orange County, New York. The center of the community contains the intersection of the Goshen Turnpike and New York Route 211. Neighboring communities are Crystal Run, Hamptonburgh, Maybrook, and Campbell Hall. The Highland Lakes  State Park is located just over the northeast border.


Historical accounts suggest that the town received its name based on Malcolm McLaughlin, a local resident that came to owe a great deal of debt. Rather than pay, McLaughlin left town around 1825. When he returned, the other residents inquired on his whereabouts, to which he responded, Michigan. Later McLaughlin opened a tavern, and all the residents referred to it as Michigan, with the town’s name soon following suit.


The small community has many apartment complexes and is a mix of both owners and renters. The average real estate price is $327,444, more expensive than 36.5% of other neighborhoods in the state. Rent averages $2,484 and is lower than 43.7% of other communities. Some of the apartment complexes include:

The Galeria at Crystal Run is a short drive for the residents. The shopping mall includes the following shops:

The community has many options for dining with some of the restaurants, including:


The students within the hamlet can attend the public schools within the Goshen Central School District. Some of the GreatSchools ratings for these schools are the following:


The small suburban neighborhood has a higher income than 66.1% of other neighborhoods in the country. Many of the professions the working population is employed can be broken down as follows:

As many as 10.8% of the population within this neighborhood were born in another country. Approximately 8.5% of the town’s households speak English as their primary language. Other households speak Spanish, Polish, and Urdu, the national language of Pakistan. Different ethnicities and ancestries hold different cultural traditions, and the town residents often relate to the following genealogies:

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Our Local Office

Filing your SSDI claim can often lead to a denied claim. However, the experienced Michigan Corners, NY social security disability lawyers at Markhoff & Mittman, P.C., can help you get approved the first time and expedite your benefits. Call today for a free claim evaluation.

Markhoff & Mittman, P.C.
3 Hatfield Ln #2b,
Goshen, NY 10924
(845) 360-9931

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