Is Your Driving Career Over With MS Diagnosis?

Patients that earn a living as a driver should consult with the expertise of their doctor to determine whether continued vehicle operation is safe. As fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of MS, it can be especially dangerous for those who spend a lot of time on the road such as with truck drivers, delivery drivers, or for those in the transportation industry.


Fatigue isn’t the only concern MS patients will have concerning their ability to drive. As MS affects the body’s central nervous system, symptoms can present themselves at any time and at any level of severity. Should your arm or leg muscles go numb or fall into spasms, you may not be able to maintain control of your vehicle. Vision impairment is also a major concern as driving with blurry vision can certainly lead to an accident.


Some MS patients will rely on medications therapies to deal with the symptoms of the condition. Prescription and over the counter medications may contain warning labels about avoiding driving or operating heavy equipment. It will be crucial to speak with your doctor about your medications so you will be clear on any limitations you have during treatment.


Many with MS will also have to deal with emotional and mental health issues. Patients can struggle with memory loss and decision-making skills due to the impact MS has on their body. Experiencing high stress and emotional breakdowns when behind the wheel can be a very dangerous situation for the individual as well as everyone else on the road. Cognitive issues affecting memory can make it difficult for a driver to navigate their own routes.


If you have recently been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, you may be qualified to receive Social Security benefits if you are no longer able to work as a driver. Our experienced legal team can review your diagnosis and work situation for free to determine your qualification for benefits. While you may not be ready to quit your job, your condition may make it necessary.


Contact us today for your free legal consultation concerning your multiple sclerosis diagnosis by calling 888-799-3918 or by using our online contact form for more information.

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