Emergency Responders Face Deadly Risks Daily

Emergency responders are indeed a special group of people who put others first, even when it means their own best interests are put second. In the case of the injured firefighter who nearly lost his life in a recent natural gas explosion, the injuries on the job were not enough to dissuade the worker from continuing to get the job done.

Emergency responders face hard decisions each day and work hard to save other people’s lives. Some responders are paid employees but many are volunteers that do not get paid for their efforts. There are however new regulations that allow for workers compensation benefits for volunteer workers including firefighters, ambulance personnel, and emergency responders.

Considering the risks these volunteers face with each incident they report to, injuries are highly possible and can occur from any number of factors including auto accidents, falls, and even violence from another person. It is not uncommon for people to act out when they are scared or in crisis mood and responders often get the brunt of that fear.

Workers compensation benefits for volunteers are crucial because many volunteers may not otherwise be able to afford the medical costs for treatment of their injuries on the job. These benefits also can include cash assistance to help injured volunteers in New York. Provided the injured volunteers are not found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the accident, workers compensation benefits are possible.

Being an emergency responder volunteer can sometimes be a thankless job and it takes a lot of dedication to stick with the job at hand. If you are a volunteer firefighter or other emergency responder and are injured in the line of duty, you should contact an experienced legal professional to help you with your case. You can schedule a free consultation by calling us toll free 877-799-3918 or using our online contact form.

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