Don’t Ignore the Pain of a Hand Fracture

What has 29 bones, 123 ligaments, 48 nerves and gets used more than any other body part? Your predominant hand! Just think about the number of tasks you do each day that require your hands. In the workplace, hands bear the brunt of hard, physical work in many occupations. So, it’s no wonder that injuries to the hands, including fractures, are so common. In fact, hand injuries count for 1/3 of all workplace injuries, and fractures rank as the third most frequent hand injury, right behind carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. In many cases, hand fractures can result without the worker even realizing that one or more of the many bones in their hand are broken, and they will continue to work through the pain. Even worse, many people will not seek proper medical attention, which can lead to more serious complications and chronic pain.

These painful injuries can occur on the job in several ways: Getting your hand crushed by a heavy object, hitting your hand on a hard surface, or after a slip and fall in the workplace. The pain may not be noticeable at first, especially for those used to bumps and bangs of their hands and fingers, but over time a fractured bone that doesn’t heal properly can cause pain and even disfigurement. Many hand fractures may also result in the inability to use your fingers properly. In addition to fractures, the most common types of hand injuries include:

It is important to have your hand looked at by a doctor if you suffer any direct trauma to your hand that is out of the ordinary. You may notice a change in the bone’s shape or bruising and swelling, but even if there are no noticeable signs of injury, it’s essential to have your hand examined. You will likely need x-rays to check for fractures and the doctor will decide on the best course of treatment to make sure your bones heal correctly. If you are an older worker, it is especially important to have the proper medical diagnosis and treatment because as we age, our bones do not heal as they might have in our youth.

Don’t ignore trauma to your hand, even if you think the pain is bearable. Working with an untreated fracture can cause a lot of problems down the road. And remember, work-related injuries may entitle you to worker’s compensation or in some cases, Social Security Disability if your inability to use your hand prevents you from working. If you have injured your hand on the job, contact our office for a free consultation by calling us toll free at 888-799-3918 or by using our online contact form for more information.  

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