Control Your Diet for Fibromyalgia Relief

Sufferers of the chronic condition fibromyalgia experience chronic bouts of pain all over their body that can ultimately be debilitating. Diagnosing the condition can be difficult as there are no medical tests to prove fibromyalgia. Medical treatment amounts to managing the symptoms and trying to find relief for the pain.

Medical experts recommend those with fibromyalgia get as much rest as possible. Pain can make adequate sleep difficult which often leads to episodes of chronic fatigue and an inability to concentrate. Doctors can provide medication to relief some of the pain associated with the condition but changing one’s lifestyle can also help to improve one’s quality of life.

Patients with fibromyalgia can also have an impact on their pain by eating a healthier diet. There is no cure for fibromyalgia but through proper management techniques, pain can be eased.  Many patients have been reporting interesting feedback to their doctors concerning the effects of certain foods on their fibromyalgia symptoms. Certain foods have been shown to increase the symptoms of the condition when consumed. For this reasons, more people have been changing their diets in the hopes of relieving their pain.

Vitamin D may be a key to helping sufferers. In fact not having enough Vitamin D can actually cause symptoms similar to those related to fibromyalgia. Vitamin D is good for building strong bones and muscles and many adults do not get enough of the vitamin without taking supplements or regulating their diets. Sun also provides Vitamin D so be sure to get outside in the sun for at least 30 minutes each day.

Common additives in food such as aspartame and MSG have been found to increase one’s sensitivity to pain. It can be important to eat more organic, natural products than items that contain additives and preservatives.  You should also cut out the caffeine you consume. While fatigue may be a related side effect of fibromyalgia, you should not rely on caffeine to perk you up. It could be adding to your sleep problems.

Fruits and vegetables should be a mainstay of your diet. They contain important vitamins and anti-oxidants one needs to keep the body balanced and protected from cell-damaging free radicals. Fish can also help provide your body with essential nutrients including omega-3 fatty acids which are useful in fighting pain and inflammation.

If your pain becomes debilitating and prevents you from working, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits.  Download our FREE Report – The Disability Guys’ Guide to Fibromyalgia and Federal Social Security Disability Benefits.  You should also contact us for a FREE evaluation to discuss your personal situation.

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