Be Proactive about Workplace Accidents During the Holidays

When people have so many other things on their mind outside of the workplace, the risks of danger increase in the work environment. There are many industries that are at heightened risk for injuries and accidents during the holiday rush but all employees need to pay attention to their own safety during this busy time of year.

The holiday season increases traffic so those who drive for a living and everyone commuting to work is at risk for being involved in an accident which can be increased even more when snow and ice are present on the roads. Truck drivers, delivery drivers, and transportation workers need to practice driving according to the laws and stay alert at all times for other drivers not paying attention.

Other industries that get crazy during the holidays include shipping and warehouse facilities where heavy lifting becomes a concern for people that are at risk for on the job back injuries and broken bones. Those in retail are also at the same kind of risk dealing with merchandise and customer purchases.

Another concern of workers around the holidays is increased for those working with the public. The holidays often bring out depression in people like no other time and there have been many headlines with reports of violence in the workplace especially with the economy the way it is. People who have trouble making ends meet often can take their anger and frustration out on those at work. Employees should be on alert for warning signs from coworkers and be sure to report unusual activities or harassment to supervisors.

The holidays have a tendency to bring out the best and the worst in humanity. Those who are fortunate to have a job should be sure to commit to their work obligations and not miss out on scheduled time in order to celebrate. Missing work can be detrimental to your paycheck but can also halt the work that cannot be performed safely without a full and present staff.

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