When you go off to college, you are required to have medical proof you have been vaccinated as a young adult against a series of illnesses to ensure your health and the safety of others. When you are on the job, you may also be required to have certain vaccinations to keep you protected.
Those in the medical field are at risk of contracting a number of viruses and disease simply from the work they do each day. It is essential as an adult to be up-to-date with vaccinations even if your job does not require them. Ideally, you should visit your family doctor and discuss any risks that may require immunizations. No matter how old you are, you are still able to protect yourself against common and not-to-common medical conditions.
For those that frequently travel for work, vaccinations may be a requirement especially if you plan to leave the United States. Traveling abroad can expose you to many health risks and it is important you speak with your doctor. The Center of Disease Control also can assist you with the information you need based on your travel destination.
Some employers have taken a proactive stance to helping workers get properly vaccinated. It is also in the employer’s best interest to keep people working so many will offer an annual flu shot to ensure their workers are protected. Depending on the nature of your job, this flu shot might be optional or it may be required.
If you are unsure of the vaccination requirements of your employer or which vaccinations you should have based on your work field, be sure to speak with your human resource department and your family physician. Vaccinations are meant to protect you from a number of illnesses and it is in your best interest to be properly informed.
If you have questions about vaccinations for your job or have contracted an illness from your workplace, you should consult with your team of experienced lawyers about your rights. You can contact us for a free consultation by calling 888-799-3918 or by using our online contact form.