6 Tips for Evaluating Your Workers’ Comp Claim Adjuster

The person assigned to assist you on your worker’s compensation claim for an on-the-job injury may not the most effective person on staff. You can evaluate your adjustor based on a few areas of their job performance. If you find that your claims adjuster is not as efficient as you need, you can put in a request to change adjusters.

Here are 6 areas you should pay attention to when evaluating your claims adjuster:

Are They Timely?

Adjusters should be in contact with you, your medical provider, and your supervisor within 24 hours of your initial accident being filed. While some adjusters do have a heavy caseload, timeliness of getting in touch with parties involved is important. Adjusters that wait too long or fail to follow up should be considered carefully.

Do They Reply?

If you have to call the adjuster, do they call you back right away? If you email them, do they write back within a few hours? Competent adjusters will work hard to keep claimants in the know about every step of their case. Adjusters who are on top of their game will not be difficult to get in touch with.

Are You Getting Payments?

If you are not receiving your TTD or TPD checks in a timely manner, it may be due to the adjuster’s disorganization. The same is true if you start receiving billing or phone calls from you medical provider’s office. It means the adjuster is not seeing the paperwork through to completion.

Can They Answer Your Questions?

A good adjuster is also experienced and knowledgeable, able to answer any questions you have about worker’s compensation. If you find that your adjuster never knows the answer to anything, it may be time to make a change request.

Moving to Attorneys

If your adjuster has a history of having claimants contact attorneys, it could be a sign of a bad adjusters. Good ones will build a relationship with the claimants rather than chase them away into the offices of attorneys as a way to get help.

Closing Too Early?

Good adjusters will make sure every detail of a claim has been taken care of before the file is closed. Some adjusters will be too quick to close out a file only to have to reopen it when other problems arise like unpaid medical bills.


If you have a difficult experience with your worker’s compensation adjuster, it may be time to seek legal guidance from our office. You can reach out to us toll free by calling 855-614-4351 or using our online confidential contact form to schedule an appointment and make sure your worker’s compensation claim is being handled appropriately with your best interests at heart.

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