4 Unusual But Still Common Workplace Hazards

While some of the obvious hazards of a work environment are known to cause injury such as heavy equipment operation or manual labor jobs like construction, there are other workplace hazards that often are avoided in discussions of workplace injuries. Some industries, such as those that work with customers directly, have potential hazards that many people overlook or even dismiss as serious. Often the stress of the job environment will also be a factor in health issues.

Here are four of the workplace hazards people aren’t talking about:

Sexual Harassment/Assault

Businesses in the hospitality industry often deal with the public at large and workers of hotels, motels, resorts, and convention centers are often at risk of being injured as the direct result of someone else’s actions. Sexual harassment and assault situations affecting workers on the job are becoming increasingly common and more dangerous.

Physical Assault

Workers in environments where alcohol is served face serious dangers every night. As patrons become more intoxicated, their tendency to act out can pose a threat to nightclub bouncers, waitress staff, casino workers, and bartenders.

Co-Worker Violence

On the job violence from one co-worker against another is also becoming a problem in the workplace. Fights breaking out on the work floor between coworkers can cause damage to the work floor and serious injuries to the participants. In some cases, the co-worker violence has turned deadly when weapons are brought into the equation.

Employer Harassment

It may be an age-old cliché of the boss chasing the secretary around the desk but employer harassment and sexual overtones can pose injury risk to workers. Aggressive individuals have been known to cause physical harm to employees resisting their advances.

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