What To Expect On First Visit To Oral Surgeon

If you suffered a mouth injury while on the job, it may be necessary to have oral surgery performed to repair broken or missing teeth. Oral surgeons are referred to you by your regular dentist or by a hospital emergency physician just after an accident has occurred.

Your first visit to an oral surgeon will depend on your specific situation. For non-emergency visits, your first appointment will require a physical examination for a proper diagnosis. Additional x-rays may be required if you do not have current ones of your injury. The surgeon will be able to review the x-rays and provide you with a plan of treatment based on their initial findings.
You will need to provide a referral slip from your primary dentist or from the hospital along with your insurance paperwork for dental treatment. If you are taking any medications, it will be helpful to prepare a list of medication names and dosages to provide the surgeon. A medical history questionnaire will need to be completed. You may need to provide blood work in order to be prepared for surgery. If you have ever had difficulties with previous surgeries, oral or otherwise, be sure to inform the surgeon of those details.

A follow up appointment will be made if you require any additional treatment or surgery. Be sure to read all paperwork given to you by the surgeon’s office in order to be properly prepared for surgery such as no eating after midnight. Any questions or concerns you have about the surgery or treatment, be sure to speak with the surgeon during your initial appointment.

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