Understanding Lyme Disease Dangers

Lyme disease is transmitted to humans by the bite of ticks which are infected with the disease. Lyme disease is diagnosed by the symptoms a person experiences and the proof of exposure to infected ticks.


Symptoms of Lyme disease include fatigue, headaches, fever, and a specific skin rash. If the disease is not diagnosed and treated, the infection can infiltrate the joints, spreading to the heart and nervous system. A physician will determine whether or not lab testing is necessary on your blood or on the tick itself.


Prevention of Lyme disease is important to stop the infection. It is highly recommended you use tick repellant when outdoors and performing regular tick checks when outdoors is essential to catching the condition in time for a successful treatment. People should regularly check their scalp and skin for ticks after spending time outdoors. Yards can be treated to reduce the number of ticks in your living area. Pets can bring ticks into your home and can also cause medical problems in dogs and cats.


Ticks should be removed immediately and kept for testing. The faster you can remove the ticks, the lesser the potential for being infected with the disease. To remove a tick, you will need fine-tipped tweezers. Grab the tick as close to your skin as possible. You will need to pull upward on the tick for a successful removal. If you twist the tick during remove, the mouth of the tick can remain in your skin. After the tick has been removed, clean the area with rubbing alcohol or soap and water.


Lyme disease, when caught early, can be successfully treated in a few weeks’ time with a course of antibiotics. If left untreated, more intensive, long-term medical intervention will be necessary to deal with the specific symptoms of Lyme disease.

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