The Lowdown on Finger Fractures/Breaks

There are many types of finger fractures and breaks that can occur on the job. Some finger breaks and fractures only need to be stabilized for a period of time while more serious injuries will require surgery. The most important part of a work-related finger fracture is to have a quick diagnosis so you know what you are dealing with and how to treat the injury properly.


Finger fractures and breaks are typically caused by direct trauma such as when you drop something heavy on your hand or if you hit your hand on something solid. Unfortunately we may be more dependent on our fingers than we realize and when a break or fracture occurs, there is often great difficulty trying to negotiate normal day to day tasks.


If you suspect your finger bones are either fractured or broken, you may have pain when you touch or move the injured finer. Swelling will likely be present and it will be hard to bend or move your finger with ease. Deformities in the affected finger may also be possible.


Because there are other potential medical complications that can accompany a broken/fractured finger, it is important to seek medical attention right away. A doctor will request x-rays to determine the level of the injury and if other parts of the finger or hand are involved. It is important to identify any areas of possible infection or dislocation in order to provide the proper treatment. If not properly diagnosed or if the finger is left untreated, it can result in chronic pain and deformed fingers which can be disabling.


Your medical provider may provide you with a simple split with instructions to keep the affected finger still for a period of time. Many times, taping one finger to its neighbor will stabilize the injury enough to heal. In some cases, there may be a need for surgery and a cast if the bone has been severely broken or has been dislocated.


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