SSA Gets with the Times

In the age of go, go, go technology, the Social Security Administration is working to keep up with the times. The agency recently announced it has redone its website which is now mobile user friendly for those that own smartphones. Users can access the website for numerous reasons with ease. The SSA admits to making the changes to keep up with the changing needs of individuals.


While the SSA may be working towards implementing the latest technologies, this isn’t always the case in other areas of business. Staying progressive often means the difference between safe and unsafe. Companies that have outdated technology and policies may be perpetuating more accidents and less interested employees. Conversely, companies that are on track with current technologies and can truly relate to their workforce may be more successful at the training of employees and maintaining overall productivity.


Utilizing current methods of training can make a difference in the successfully implementation of safety policies and protocol employees will pay attention to and be more likely to follow. Updated training visuals and interactive tools can be more effective at influencing a workforce to be proactive and prevent accidents in all areas of the work environment. Successful and routine training is a key component of an effective workplace training program.


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