OSHA Seeks Public Help to Keep PPE Supplies Adequate

OSHA is turning to the public, to employers, and to workers to help with keeping supplies of necessary personal protective equipment on hand for those performing cleanup work in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Personal protective equipment is very important to protect the health and safety of cleanup crew workers.


OSHA is accepting donations of equipment or money as the efforts to rebuild continue. The personal protective equipment is vital to all workers involved in the cleanup efforts due to the high levels of contamination in the affected areas. Mold from the heavy floods in buildings is ever present which can lead to a number of respiratory conditions in workers.


Disposable clothing, shoe coverings, gloves, and face masks are all basic supplies that many workers are going without. Day workers that wait in long lines to secure work and income are often sent on the job without proper training or proper protection. Hazardous working conditions are all around the areas affected by Hurricane Sandy. Anyone working in the cleanup efforts should be trained properly to look for contamination and to properly dispose of materials affected.

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