On the Job Injuries Can Be Lethal to Teens

As summer approaches, thousands of teens will look for a summer job. While seeking employment at a young age has many benefits, it’s important to review safety precautions with teens to keep them safe in the workplace.

The Importance of Workplace Safety

While many of the work settings teens work in are safe, some situations cause serious injury or even death. According to Healthfinder.gov, in 2010, 20,000 teens were injured and 88 of them died due to workplace accidents. To decrease the risk of your teen suffering from a workplace accident, review the following precautions with him or her.

Safety Precautions for Working Teens

When lifting heavy objects, stoop low to the ground, place hands securely on the object, and lift up using the legs. Bending over and lifting an object with one’s back can cause serious back injuries.

Everyone should receive training on machinery before beginning to work with it. If you didn’t receive training, speak to your supervisor before using it no matter how simple it seems to use.

If working in a setting in which goggles, gloves, or a special uniform could protect you from harm, make sure to use it every time. Even if a fellow employee states that it isn’t mandatory, it’s always better to be safe.

Working long hours to impress your boss is honorable, but it could cause injury or death when it causes exhaustion. Take the breaks you are afforded, so you can rest. Be productive and safe while working, which your boss will appreciate more. With these tips, you can increase your chances of being safe in the workplace.

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