What You Should Know about Work-Related Repetitive Stress Injury in New York

As computer use has become an essential part of doing business, repetitive stress injuries (RSI) have become a more and more common work-related injury in New York. Although we see many RSIs as White Plains workers’ compensation lawyers, the good news is that RSIs are avoidable, and many RSIs can be treated with conservative measures, such as rest or ice. 

What is a Repetitive Stress Injury?

A repetitive stress injury results from overuse of a part of the body. Although the most common RSIs come from the use of a mouse and keyboard, you can experience a repetitive strain injury from ANY repetitive movement, including those associated with sports, the operation of some machinery, or playing a musical instrument. The overuse of the body part injures the muscles, nerves, and other tissues, causing internal swelling, irritation, and sometimes tissue damage.

The term "repetitive stress injury" covers a number of different, specific conditions that result from overuse, including:

What Are the Symptoms of RSIs?

If you have suffered a RSI, you could have a wide range of symptoms in and around the body part affected. The most common symptoms are:

You may feel these symptoms directly in the affected body part, such as the hands and fingers in the case of computer-related injury, or you may feel symptoms in related body part, such as the shoulder or arms.

If you have sustained a repetitive stress injury at work in New York and have questions or need help obtaining workers’ compensation in New York, speak with one of our expert White Plains workers’ compensation lawyers today at 1-855-614-4351 or 866-205-2415. 

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