New York MS Disability and Caregiving

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) disability can be frustrating for both those affected and those who act as caregivers. Many people with MS are able to function independently at least some of the time, but may not be able to function during an MS flare-up. If you've found yourself in the role of caregiver for a loved one with MS, your Bronx disability lawyers want to remind you to:

Ultimately, caregiving is one of the toughest things you'll ever have to do. It's important to also take care of yourself and work through your own feelings so that you can give your best to your loved one with an MS disability.

If you have questions about applying for Social Security disability for MS in New York, contact a caring and respected White Plains disability lawyer today at 1-855-614-4351 or 866-205-2415. We look forward to speaking with you.

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