New York Winter Coping Skills for Sjogren’s Disability

It isn't easy to cope with Sjogren's syndrome disability, especially as the cold New York winter exacerbates your dry skin and dry mouth issues. As New York disability lawyers, we'd like to share a few tips for coping with the symptoms of Sjogren's syndrome this winter:

If you suffer from Sjogren's syndrome, the most important thing you can do is see your doctor regularly and follow his or her instructions for your care. You may find that this kind of regular medical care helps you live more normally and cope better with the disease.

If you need help pursuing Social Security disability for Sjogren's in New York, contact an experienced and compassionate White Plains disability lawyer today at 855-614-4351. We look forward to speaking with you during a completely free, no-obligation legal consultation, and we hope to hear from you soon.

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