Missing Work Because of Celiac Disease

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Celiac disease sufferers may be forced to miss work, or reduce their schedule because they are hindered by their symptoms.  Workers with celiac disease have been known to miss work for days, weeks, months, and sometimes years. 

Reason People Are Missing Work

The effects of celiac disease are preventing people from performing their job duties, if they can show up for work at all.  There are many reasons why people with celiac disease may be missing work, going home sick, or reducing their work schedules.

How Celiac Disease Affects Your Job

People who experience the symptoms associated with celiac disease are faced with a difficult decision when they have to work.  Sufferers rely on their jobs to provide for their families, pay the bills and be independent, but their ability to work is severely affected.  Celiac disease sufferers are faced with the frustrating pressure from their employer and fellow employees to be as productive as they are, but it’s hard when they are battling debilitating pain.  People with celiac disease are forced to make dramatic choices about their employment to care for their health.

As employees, we stress about our employment and regret decisions to call in sick, or leave work, but sometimes you can’t avoid it.  You need to take care of yourself before you jeopardize your health.

If you have had to call off of work due to an on the job injury, speak with one of our experienced workers compensation attorneys. We can be reached toll free at 888-799-3618 or through our online contact form.

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