Lying for a Day Off? Better Plan for Unemployment

While there are a ton of excuses employers have heard over the years from employees looking for a break, it is not wise to follow their lead if you plan to keep your job. Employers may not have control over what you do in your personal life but what you do in your personal life can reflect badly on your position at work.

It is never recommended that you show up drunk for work. First, you are a liability to your employer and second, you are hardly offering the professional image employer’s wants. Situations where your personal life bleeds into your work life can have disastrous consequences, especially if you don’t show up for work the next morning.

Poor excuses are not the only thing you need to avoid. With the social media frenzy a part of nearly everyone’s life, what you say on Facebook (about your boss, co-workers, job duties) can be held against you. You may call in sick to work on Monday but if you posted every hour from that party on Sunday night, there could be repercussions.

The only way to deal with emergencies is to be honest and do what you can to respect your job and your employer. This does not include using lame excuses to get a ‘mental health’ day. Preplan days off when you need them and if you do have a legitimate emergency, take the appropriate measures to be sure you are not leaving your job hanging in jeopardy.

With the high rate of unemployment, the chances are very strong that someone new is waiting in the wings to take over where you left off.

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