Legal Guidance Can Ease Confusion of SSI Benefit Cases

If you are partially disabled but can still go to work, you may have questions about how that will affect your receiving SSI benefits. Because many people get confused about the ins and outs of Social Security benefits, it can be necessary to consult an experienced NY disability attorney to ensure you continue to receive benefits to which you are entitled.


Even if you go back to work, you may still be eligible to receive Supplemental Security Income, or SSI benefits. It is important to first understand what you are eligible to receive based specifically on your circumstances. Just because a friend or family member is no longer eligible for such benefits, it doesn’t mean you are looking at a similar scenario.


The eligibility for benefits varies with numerous factors. If you are not able to decipher your situation, it is best to consult the expertise of a qualified attorney who is highly educated on the changing rules and regulations regarding the Social Security Administration and assist you with your changing situation should you choose to return to work.


Because many of the regulations and laws governing Social Security benefits including SSI can be confusing, many people make mistakes in filing claims or determining their own eligibility. By retaining an experienced attorney, you can receive the guidance you need to ensure you are receiving benefits you are entitled to get, even if you make the decision to return to work.


To receive a free consultation of your disability claim for benefits, contact our office toll free at 888-799-3918 or through our online contact form. We can review the specifics of your situation and guide you through the process for obtaining your initial benefits or making changes to your existing ones.



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