Injuries to your Knee: Cruciate Ligament Damage

The knee can sustain many types of injury and one common one involves the cruciate ligaments. These two ligaments are responsible for stabilizing the knee in conjunction with the other ligaments and muscles of the leg. Injuries to these ligaments are common especially to the anterior cruciate ligament.

The posterior cruciate ligament is often damaged after it is torn while a person’s foot is planted on the ground and movement occur. These injuries result after their leg is locked and the body moves forward or if a bent knee is forced to move in the opposite direction such as occurs during physical activity or sporting events.

The anterior cruciate ligament is susceptible to lesions where the knee swells from the blood flowing into the cruciate ligament. Sufferers will have a lot of pain following the development of the lesion and the knee will feel like it cannot sustain any weight.

Treatment for the injuries to the cruciate ligament can range from rest to surgery. In most cases, knee doctors recommend a day or two of rest to keep more injuries from occurring. Ice can be used to reduce the amount of swelling after the injury occurs. Compression can help support the knee but should not be so tight as to compromise the circulation of blood to the area. Elevating the knee to heart level is recommended to prevent swelling.

Surgery is not always required to treat injuries to the cruciate ligament. A diagnosis by a doctor can help determine what course of action should be taken to provide relief and recovery to the injured party. Surgery may be an option depending on the age of the person and how severe the injury is. Patients will likely have to engage in strength training to rebuild the knee in place of or after surgery. Knee injuries should be diagnosed by a doctor as soon as possible to prevent additional injury and to control pain.

Suffering from knee pain?  Seeking more information?  Read our FREE report – The Disability Guys’ Guide to Your Knees.

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