Helping Injured Cleaning Professionals Obtain Workers’ Comp

Cleaning professionals can sustain many different types of injuries on the job.

When a worker is injured on the job, he or she often needs to take time off of work in order to fully recover from their injury. This usually results in a loss of a main source of income for the injured worker.

In addition to lost wages, an injured worker may incur medical expenses associated with their injury.

The combination of physical pain and financial stress can result in a difficult situation injured workers.

Fortunately, injured cleaning professionals are usually able to obtain workers’ compensation to help pay for certain costs related to a workplace injury.

Cleaning Professionals In New York

The Disability Guys represent all types of cleaning professionals in New York including housekeepers, hotel cleaning crews, janitors, building cleaners and any other workers who are injured on the job.

Types of Accidents & Injuries

Cleaning professionals can become victims of several different types of accidents which can cause serious injury. However, the nature of the job means that cleaning professionals are susceptible to certain types of accidents and injuries more than others.

Some of the most common types of accidents experienced by cleaning professionals include slip and fall accidents, electrocution,  and even exposure to hazardous chemicals.

These accidents can result in serious injuries including:

Are Cleaning Professionals Entitled To Workers’ Compensation?

Yes, cleaning professionals are entitled to workers’ compensation if the injury that they’ve sustained was sustained on the job or in the course of work.

Additionally, cleaning professionals may be entitled to Social Security Disability Insurance for a work-related injury that is permanent and qualifies for disability benefits.

However, obtaining the financial support can be very difficult for an injured worker. Claims for workers’ compensation and disability benefits are often denied initially. Additionally, appealing a denied claim can be complex and can take a very long time.

Understanding your rights can help to expedite the process and can help to maximize your chances recovering compensation for a work injury.

In fact, studies show that working with an experienced lawyer improves one’s chances of winning a workers’ compensation claim.

Experienced Workers’ Comp / Social Security Disability Lawyers In New York

Have you been injured at work?

You may be entitled to workers’ compensation and other benefits to help pay for certain expenses that you’ve incurred due to your injury.

The Disability Guys have been helping injured cleaning professionals for decades. We encourage you to call us if you’ve been injured at work. We will examine your case and discuss all of your legal options.

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