How are skin disorders evaluated for disability in New York?

Obtaining New York Social Security disability can be tricky for victims of skin disorders. Regardless of whether your skin disorder is due to disease, from a work-related accident, or hereditary, the way it is evaluated by the Social Security Administration follows a certain pattern. When you see your doctor, he or she will evaluate you for the specifics of your skin disorder, while collecting general information as well. The Social Security Administration will specifically be looking for information regarding:

Once this information has been gathered, your Social Security disability claim will be assessed for severity. This will take into account how often your skin disorder and symptoms interfere with your ability to function in daily life. How often you have flare-ups and how you react to treatment also will be taken into account.

If you are considering a Social Security disability claim, it is highly recommended that you speak with an experienced NY Social Security disability attorney. With Markhoff & Mittman, you can expect the help of a lawyer who is up-to-date on NY disability law and will carefully explain the process to you every step of the way. Give us a call at 1-855-614-4351 to schedule a FREE consultation. As special thanks for stopping by, we also will send you a copy of our book, 5 Deadly Sins That Can Derail Your New York Workers’ Compensation Case, for free.

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