Examples of Domestic Workers and their Job Duties

Domestic workers can be employed in multiple capacities and usually work within their employers home. Some domestic workers will live on a full-time basis in their employer’s home. Room and board may be part of the compensation for work performed.

Domestic workers may be employed by an individual person or by a family. Their job duties can range from basic housework, cooking, grocery shopping, errand running, or caring for the children in the family. They may also be hired to care for elderly family members. Here is a brief overview of the job titles related to domestic workers:

Butlers and Maids – these workers are often employed to tend to the household chores and run errands for their employer. Both positions generally offer low wages and manual labor.

Chauffeurs – these domestic workers are hired to tend to the transportation needs of their employer. Chauffeurs generally are medium-wage earners depending on their employer and their experience.

Cooks/Personal Chefs– these domestic workers are employed to provide the preparation of daily means. Personal chefs may earn a decent wage with increased earning potential based on their experience and training.

Groundskeeper – these domestic workers are hired to tend to the landscaping and general maintenance of a property, usually their employer’s own home. Groundskeepers earn a low to medium range wage based on experience and length of time with the employer.

Nanny – this type of domestic worker is tasked with the care and rearing of the children in a family. They often work on a live-in basis based on the age of the children and the needs of the family. Nannies typically earn a low wage at the beginning of their experience but can earn a higher wage over time.

Some domestic workers are hired without proper orientation on their worker’s rights. If so, please contact the law offices of Markhoff & Mittman to see how they can help with your legal needs.

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