Daily Activity Necessary to Prevent Bone Loss

Leading a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to many health problems, including the loss of bone mass as you get older. Osteoporosis may develop due to family history but it is also a preventable condition if you take the right measures to ensure you are staying healthy, eating right, and getting exercise.


Even if you are limited in what you can do as far as exercise goes, it is important to break sedentary lifestyle habits and find a way to incorporate exercise into your life. A daily walk for 15-30 minutes can go a long way to strengthening your bones and your overall body. If walking is not something you can do easily due to a disability, consider swimming, riding a stationary bike, or learning new exercise techniques from your doctor to improve your strength. Even with a disability, it is important to stay active in some way. If you can’t do high-impact cardio exercises, check out yoga which has been known for its strengthening effects.


Eating fresh produce and organic foods can also help prevent osteoporosis. Vitamins in green, leafy vegetables are imperative for healthier bones. Calcium is also important which comes from the proper intake of dairy products. Spending time in the sun will also help you maintain the necessary levels of Vitamin D in your body which also provides bone health.


Check in with your doctor routinely for annual physicals especially if your risk factors for osteoporosis are high. You can prevent bone loss from occurring in many cases but genetics can be an uncontrollable factor. If you do develop progressive bone loss, you may be more susceptible to breaking bones which can cause additional health problems and disabilities.


If you are disabled and no longer able to work, contact our legal team today for a full evaluation of your case. The consultation is free and we can help you decide if you are eligible to receive Social Security benefits for your medical condition. Contact us today at 888-799-3918 or by using our online contact form for more information.



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