Are You Eligible for Supplemental Security Income?

Supplemental Security Insurance is a program that pays a monthly stipend to aged, blind, or disabled persons based on their need.

The program was created in 1974 to replace the multitude of state-administered programs and standardize the level of benefits available to Americans.

Supplemental Security Insurance Eligibility

Three classes of people are eligible for Supplemental Security Insurance:

Supplemental Security Insurance Benefits

The monthly benefit payments change from year to year.  These benefits are paid on the first of each month for the current month.  In 2008, the basic monthly payment is:

However, not everyone will receive the same amount.  Where you live and who you live with can make a great difference in the amount of your SSI payment.  For instance, some states supplement the federal funds with their own benefits.  But, if you or your family have other sources of income, you may not be eligible for the full basic amount.

Qualifying for Supplemental Security Insurance

Because Supplemental Security Insurance is a need based program, the amount that you earn and the amount that you own greatly affect the amount of benefits you are eligible to receive.


One of the key requirements for receiving SSI is that your income is below certain limits.  These limits vary depending on which state you live in, the number of people in your residence, and the type of income you are receiving.  The formula for determining whether your income qualifies you for Supplemental Security Insurance is too complex to go into on this site, but if you call us toll free at 855-614-4351, our attorneys will be glad to discuss your financial situation with you.


Another requirement for Supplemental Security Income eligibility is that your resources are below a certain limit.  In general, this limit is $2,000 for an individual or $3,000 for a married couple.  However, not every actual resource is counted in calculating an individual’s resources.  For example, your home may not be counted against you for the purposes of eligibility.  Again, if you have questions about resource calculation, you should call our toll free number.

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